Find below the latest and breaking news about CLMTexfinity, it's new products and inventions, or exciting articles about the industrial laundry market ... .
Read here how Germany-based Rena Textilpflege used the RFID-technology to integrate Tag reading in the the S.towel® towel folder from CLMTexfinity !!
At CLMTexfinity, we do everything to support our customers in these difficult times and therefore we are launching a ‘Post-Covid’ Restore plan. This plan is based on 3 pillars: 1. A positive perspective for our customers. 2. Helping customers to keep their equipment in good condition. 3. Advising on what equipment suits best the needs of our customers
Let’s face it. The Corona virus is responsible for the biggest crisis since the second world war. That means that companies worldwide are facing huge challenges, on order to protect their income, and sometimes even their existence. Also the industrial laundry segment is highly impacted. CLMTexfinity used this period as an opportunity, in order to think about and investigate what is really important for our customers, and how we can better answer to the challenges of the market for the coming years.
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