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Post-Covid Restore Plan

February 28, 2023

At CLMTexfinity, we do everything to support our customers in these difficult times and therefore we are launching a ‘Post-Covid’ Restore plan. This plan is based on 3 pillars: 1. A positive perspective for our customers. 2. Helping customers to keep their equipment in good condition. 3. Advising on what equipment suits best the needs of our customers

Dear Customer,

Just to get straight to the point, Corona is not over yet.  It will still take some time before the hotels and restaurants are normally booked again, before people have returned to work instead of working from home and thus, before most laundries have regained their normal production levels.

As a consequence we see that a lot of customers are hesitant to invest, and/or are simply waiting for the end of this crisis. Fortunately, as the amount of people receiving the vaccin is rapidly growing, the end of the pandemic is in sight.  

At CLMTexfinity, it's in our genes to do everything to support our customers in the best way possible.  So in these difficult times we are launching a ‘Post-Covid’ Restore plan.  This plan is based on 3 pillars:

  • Customers are getting tired of hearing all about Corona, so we want to give our customers a positive perspective
  • Customers want to be prepared when normal production levels return, so the equipment has to be in good condition
  • Customers want to have the right equipment in place for reaching the highest efficiency possible.

Basically, CLMTexfinity is there to help you to lower costs and be as profitable as possible.  

How are we realising this ?

  • First of all, your equipment might be subject to a small or large revision.  We can perform this revision for you, or maybe install a new control on your machine, making your equipment more efficient, using less energy, etc (and of course, including our online Top Support)
  • Secondly, we can analyse your laundry and help you to identify the best solution for your situation.  Always taking into account the cost/profit balance.  An investment needs to be profitable, otherwise it is not an investment, it is an extra cost.  We can help you to analyse this and put certain figures in perspective.
  • Last, but not least, we always include our Next Level Support in any solution we provide, meaning lower intervention costs, lower downtimes, and thus improving the efficiency of your laundry.

Interested in how we can realise this ?

Then feel free to contact us, without any obligation !

Always at your disposal,

The Texfinity Team.

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