S dry p-G installation of 3 passthrough 60kg gas dryers with central lint filter
3 x S.dry p-G - Another happy customer in Finland
Installation of 3 passthrough 60kg gas dryers with central lint filter
What was the customer looking for ?
This family ownedlaundry in South of Finland was looking to replace 2 old steam dryers andincrease his output. The steam dryers were double load (120kg) dryers which wasnot ideal for the customers’ current production. The much more efficient60kg gas dryers (with infrared control included) need to improve the efficiencyof the drying proces and thus improve the efficiency of the tunnel washer also.
How dit CLMTexfinity approach the solution and the project ?
As space was anissue, all measures were carefully taken and we made sure the machine enteredwell into the available space. The dryers needed to fit with the existing liftand shuttle and the metal beam structure needed to be expanded.
Last but not least,the installation was planned together with the customer in order to make surethe downtime was reduced to a minimum.
And what about the implementation and final result ?
Taking the dryersinisde the building and putting them into their space was a precision work. Thanks to the good preparation, this went smoothly and after connectionand testing, the dryers were ready for starting production. After somefinetuning, the dryer efficiency of the laundry now has highly improved. The customer was impressed by the quality and is pleased with hispurchase. We will do everything to make sure he stays a happy customer,providing him with our First Level Support !!
Many thanks to theexcellent work of the laundry owner and his team, to the crane people and tothe CLMTexfinity technical team. Thanks to the excellent cooperation, theinstallation went fluently and production was able to start up again asforeseen !